@ Moorea....sorry !! but at this time Saskia is the only Challengers who didn't play,,,,we hope .....
@ Caramelo....bravo !!!....ton scores sont toujours mieux !!! doucement sans stress ...trés bien !!!
Good afternoon !!!....we'll see this evening !!!
Finally !!!!!! Puuuh , First time I could play the map without any errors. Im not superfast here...But still.
I have not giving this map up yet Veniz.
But now I believe that I reach as far as I can get.
Im not a champion here Panda. This is not my form of maps at all.
But I really giving the map time.
There is quite many hours behind my result.
But thank U for your kind words
@Grumer: you already made a good score, just don't give up. I'm not a "damned great" player at all and don't like this map either, especially from the moment I know the map and it starts to be a velocity game, which is the case now. I won't have time to play today, nor tomorrow, perhaps just a bit this evening. good luck to you!
@ Hi Grumer !!!!
No worries !!!! it's only a game !!! but you are a champion !!!
we , all , are sure you'll play very well as usual !! good luck !!
@ Chrysss....c'etait sur !!!....ma amie veux 96k !!!...chapeau !!!
j'ai vue ton score dans le meme jeux en francais ...fantastique !!!
Bravissima !!!
@ Snowwhite ...after a long abscondence you are playing very well !!
Third Challenger over 95 k !!!....super !!!!.i'm a little anxious for my
second place !!!!
Hey Panda.
That my dame is ahead of me is no problem at all.
I like it that way.
Veniz is a damn great player.
And even if I can reach any higher I hope that she have better scores than me.
But...I have deep problems with maps like this ones.
I dont like this at all .... And I would have giving up this from the beginning if it was a solo thing.
But now I have to think about my partner Veniz and then I try to get as high as I can
I been away from this for some hours now ...So I hope I can perform little better soon
It's a challenge very closed and exciting !!
C'est un challenge trés incertain et emouvant !!
Temporary classification ;
Classement provisoire :
1) chrysss-ma67x
2 ) snowwhite-oasis
3 ) mabulle-edmar
4) catounette-leeraner
5) kapucine-panda
6) caramelo-serginho
7) venise-grumer
8) albi-jean cyrille
9) USACowgirl-bluesteel
10) saskia-moorea
Good luck to all !!!!
Bonne chance à tous !!!!
@ Kapucine
pas des doutes !!!.....je sais tu es trés fort et ton Cavalier attende toi
dans le niveau !!!...nous sommes deux jeunes terrible !!!!!!..lol
ne t'inquiiète pas !
je ne te ferai pas faux bond ! je t'avais signalé mon absence aujourd'hui et hier soir impossible de me connecter ! et jusqu'à mardi soir ...
il faut que je me familiarise avec les noms espagnols...
@ Grumer
hallo my friend !!!
You know that nothing is easy playing the Challengers tournements !!!!
Your Dame is before you .......not very good !!!
Good luck !!!
@Challengers: tomorrow around 10h00 I will post a "riddle" on the Club Page (English). Come and play!
demain je mettrai une "devinette" sur le Club (anglais). Venez jouer!
@ ma67x : j'ai confiance en toi, je sais que tu vas y arriver. Il faut un petit temps pour s'habituer aux noms espagnols qui n'ont parfois absolument rien à voir avec les français, mais quand tu les as vus une ou deux fois, ça va bien, surtout si tu as déjà joué sur le site français.
Bon courage à toi et à tout à l'heure
@ Moorea....sorry !! but at this time Saskia is the only Challengers who didn't play,,,,we hope .....
@ Caramelo....bravo !!!....ton scores sont toujours mieux !!! doucement sans stress ...trés bien !!!
Good afternoon !!!....we'll see this evening !!!
Thank U Panda
Great Grumer !!!
The Challengers without you are sad !!!
Finally !!!!!! Puuuh , First time I could play the map without any errors. Im not superfast here...But still.
I have not giving this map up yet Veniz.
But now I believe that I reach as far as I can get.
Im not a champion here Panda. This is not my form of maps at all.
But I really giving the map time.
There is quite many hours behind my result.
But thank U for your kind words
@Grumer: you already made a good score, just don't give up. I'm not a "damned great" player at all and don't like this map either, especially from the moment I know the map and it starts to be a velocity game, which is the case now. I won't have time to play today, nor tomorrow, perhaps just a bit this evening. good luck to you!
@ Hi Grumer !!!!
No worries !!!! it's only a game !!! but you are a champion !!!
we , all , are sure you'll play very well as usual !! good luck !!
@ Chrysss....c'etait sur !!!....ma amie veux 96k !!!...chapeau !!!
j'ai vue ton score dans le meme jeux en francais ...fantastique !!!
Bravissima !!!
@ Snowwhite ...after a long abscondence you are playing very well !!
Third Challenger over 95 k !!!....super !!!!.i'm a little anxious for my
second place !!!!
@Chrysss, un grand bravo pour ta performance.
Hey Panda.
That my dame is ahead of me is no problem at all.
I like it that way.
Veniz is a damn great player.
And even if I can reach any higher I hope that she have better scores than me.
But...I have deep problems with maps like this ones.
I dont like this at all .... And I would have giving up this from the beginning if it was a solo thing.
But now I have to think about my partner Veniz and then I try to get as high as I can
I been away from this for some hours now ...So I hope I can perform little better soon
It's a challenge very closed and exciting !!
C'est un challenge trés incertain et emouvant !!
Temporary classification ;
Classement provisoire :
1) chrysss-ma67x
2 ) snowwhite-oasis
3 ) mabulle-edmar
4) catounette-leeraner
5) kapucine-panda
6) caramelo-serginho
7) venise-grumer
8) albi-jean cyrille
9) USACowgirl-bluesteel
10) saskia-moorea
Good luck to all !!!!
Bonne chance à tous !!!!
@ Kapucine
pas des doutes !!!.....je sais tu es trés fort et ton Cavalier attende toi
dans le niveau !!!...nous sommes deux jeunes terrible !!!!!!..lol
Bravo Ma67x, super score
cada dia da mas asco jugar, te tragas el anuncio y se queda el juego pillado
sans les pubs ,je pourrais jouer 2 fois plus de parties !
ca viens tout doucement .
ne t'inquiiète pas !
je ne te ferai pas faux bond ! je t'avais signalé mon absence aujourd'hui et hier soir impossible de me connecter ! et jusqu'à mardi soir ...
il faut que je me familiarise avec les noms espagnols...
coucou kapucine : moi aussi, je fais un petit tour mais pas trop de temps aujourd hui...demain, promis je m y mets à fond !
bonne chance à tous
@ Grumer
hallo my friend !!!
You know that nothing is easy playing the Challengers tournements !!!!
Your Dame is before you .......not very good !!!
Good luck !!!
Wooow....Snowwhite - Oasis are running !!!!!
mais lorsque ma Dame Kapucine jouera ..............
Good morning challengers,
Grumer: just a little jump this morning, but I shall probably have no more time today to play. "A toi de jouer"! Good luck!
Good SundayEaster Challengers !!!
@ Moorea
all the players had scores except Saskia .....USACowgirl played....
we hope in the future !!
good morning challengers
hello saskia partie en vacances ?
Je ne peux pas modifier mon avatar en ce moment, dsl
@Challengers: tomorrow around 10h00 I will post a "riddle" on the Club Page (English). Come and play!
demain je mettrai une "devinette" sur le Club (anglais). Venez jouer!
à demain .
Yes I climb with small numbers Veniz You also reach higher ...Great
I will soon take a break for this day.
But I will continue tomorrow again.
@Grumer: good luck to you too! See you're climbing, climbing, go on!!
Bravo Chrysss, un grand bravo pour ton score actuel, Bon moi comme d'habitude éliminé au premier tour, à tout bientôt,
@ ma67x : j'ai confiance en toi, je sais que tu vas y arriver. Il faut un petit temps pour s'habituer aux noms espagnols qui n'ont parfois absolument rien à voir avec les français, mais quand tu les as vus une ou deux fois, ça va bien, surtout si tu as déjà joué sur le site français.
Bon courage à toi et à tout à l'heure
je suis là chrysss!
tu es bien partie mais j'arrive...
We share the same problems Veniz
But we can only do the best and keep trying...Right ..
Good luck to you partner
@Grumer: good to see you on the game! But I am not too good either, and the names in spanish disturb me, but I'll try to do my best!