Tus comentarios : Ciudades de Argentina

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@ caramelo : pourquoi tu n'utilises pas un bloqueur de pub ? chez moi ça marche très bien, j'utilise firefox. Si tu veux je t'envoie le nom du mien sur ta mailbox sur le site anglais, qu'en dis-tu ?


contente de te voir, FENGNIU, je vais remettre un avatar bleu ! n'oublie pas que caramelo, c'est moi et ce score va s'effacer ...

ça marche nettement mieux sur internet explorer !!!


je m'explique: sur interne explorer, ils ne me reconnaissent pas comme caramelo mais wanadij

sur Google, plus possible de jouer, car pub de 6 mn à chaque partie ... voilà excusez-moi


Cher challengers, je vous souhaites un bon tournois!!!


ne plus tenir compte de caramelo, ça ne marche pas dans Google, donc je suis wannadij ! merci

2 372

Hmmm... Im ready to agree with you Bluesteel.
I tried everything I can with different size of the map and etc...
I think I reached pretty much as far as I can.
But I think both you and I done a great job.
I dont like this map at all---
But as it is right now we have a great position in the yellows...
I will not play more if it is not necessary.
But things can change as some of our opponents maybe not played so much yet or played at all !!

Great score Chrysss..... That is very good.


Whew! 108 at last. 109 is going to be hard...

2 372

Thats sounds good Burak Good luck


I'll be over 105k until tonight. Nowatimes, I'm kinda busy. But, improvement is inevitable Yellows. Shall not be worry

2 372

Im trying... Im trying Bluesteel But its damn difficult Come on also Serginho and Burak... LETS GOOOoooo Yellows


Come on Yellows! Let's get up to the 108


109k, time for some regeneration now GREENS, come on, it isnt so difficult as it might appear. Just a hint: Play the Junior map first, it helped me a lot ...


@moorea : je t'ai laissé un message dans ta mailbox sur le site anglais


Thanks a lot, all my Challengers friends !
Good luck, I am sure you can improve your scores.
For me, now I have nearly reached my best score, so it will be difficult to do much better, but I will try. Come on Arwen, Jean-Cyrille and Moorea, Come on Red team !


je decouvre avec plaisir lapub )))))))un spot de 20 s toutes les 2 parties

2 372

I so agree with you bluesteel...
Impressing score from Chrysss and Leeranerjung... Bravo.
Also you done a great job bluesteel...
Or should I call you "Yellowsteel" now ? hihi


Well done Chrysss and LeeranerJung, 108k and 107k already. I'm floundering in your wake


oui oui c'est moi, mais en fonction des disponibilités des pseudos , je m adapte !
pas trop le temps ce weekend mais promis je vais faire de mon mieux !

3 984

J ai fais un Super Score de Prisunic 89 999 ....!!!


@ Burak, Yes we have a strong team. I just hope I can keep up!


Hey Yellows. We will be a great team. Good luck to all Challengers as well.


100k, time for a break come on, Greens !!!


@LJ: Great looking in green !
@JC: already on the podium! great!
@cathounette59: c'est toi cathou59?

2 372

Great Bluesteel... First time for me here... I will also get a yellow colour... Lets go Burak and Serginho too... Good start from you Serginho


It's been ages since I've played this map so I'll have to relearn it all first. At least I have a yellow team background now

2 372

Thanks Leeranerjung Im gonna need it Same to you.


@ moorea, chryss et arwen, je ne peux jouer que qques instants ce soir puis je vous retrouverai lundi matin...
Mais c'est un pays que j'adore, donc je vais pouvoir vous aider à être sur la plus haute marche....
Bonne bourre à tous les 3..... Explosons nos scores!
Go, the RED'S


Good luck, Grumer !!!


Hello Challengers WWTC finalists and friends. Here is the map we play until Monday 20h00 (GMT+2)


hay recien me doy cuenta que esto fue hace de meses perdon rociio

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